6月7日,馬波斯上海解決方案中心開業儀式在上海閔行區利豐廣場隆重舉辦。意大利馬波斯集團Group CEO Alessandro Strada先生, 馬波斯董事會成員、馬波斯集團總裁Stefano Possati先生之子、部門經理Francesco Possati先生,全球銷售和市場總負責人Stefano Corradini先生,馬波斯中國區總裁Riccardo Budriesi先生,意大利領事館領事Tiziana D'angelo女士及一行,上海市徐匯區委常委、副區長王宏偉先生及一行,意大利商會,貿易協會,歐盟商會,VDMA上海代表處的領導們,以及合作伙伴、媒體以及客戶代表等嘉賓出席了本次慶典活動,共同見證了馬波斯中國本土化戰略的新起點和解決方案中心的精彩盛況。
On June 7, the opening ceremony of Marposs Shanghai Solution Center was held in LiFung Plaza, Minhang District, Shanghai. Mr. Alessandro Strada, CEO of Marposs Group, Mr. Francesco Possati, Marposs Board Memember, Son of MARPOSS Group President Mr.Stefano Possati, Division Manager, Mr. Stefano Corradini, Director Global Sales and Marketing, Mr. Riccardo Budriesi, Marposs Shanghai Technologies President, Ms. Tiziana D'angelo, Consul of the Consulate of Italy, Mr. Wang Hongwei, Member of the Standing Committee of Xuhui District Party Committee, Deputy District Head, Italian Chamber of Commerce, the European Chamber of Commerce, VDMA Shanghai representative office, as well as partners, media and customer representatives attended the event to witness the new starting point of Marposs China localization strategy and the wonderful ceremony of the Solution Center.
Marposs Shanghai Solution Center is located at Unit C102, Block,LiFung Plaza, 2000 Yishan Road,
Shanghai, China. The Shanghai Solution Center is a continuation of the investment in the Nanjing, Shenzhen and Taichung Solution Center, the Nanjing and Sanmenxia plants, demonstrating Marposs 'commitment to the Chinese market. This feat is undoubtedly the perfect combination of marketing, sales and technology: Here, customer visits, customer testing, customer training, etc., are more convenient. Marposs Shanghai Solution Center will also be supported by the Group's strong technical team, through continuous innovation and research and development, to provide customers with more professional and efficient solutions to meet customer measurement needs.
馬波斯上海解決方案中心已整裝待發,正式面向所有制造行業擁有生產環境中質量控制相關的測量、測試,監控以及量身定制產線需求的客戶,隨時提供馬波斯的創新技術產品和測量、測試和監控解決方案。正如馬波斯中國區總裁Riccardo Budriesi李可道先生在演講所說:“Evolution never stops, let’s embrace the future.”馬波斯已經做好充分準備,革新不止,讓我們一起擁抱未來!
Marposs Shanghai Solution Center is ready to provide innovative technology products and measurement, testing and monitoring solutions for all manufacturing industries with measurement, testing, monitoring and tailored production line needs related to quality control in the production environment. As Mr. Riccardo Budriesi, President of Marposs China, said in his speech: "Evolution never stops, let's embrace the future."